Cookie Policy

Effective date: February 24, 2021

We hereby inform the users (hereinafter, “you”) that this website (hereinafter, our/this “Website”) uses Cookies. The following Cookie Policy explains the Cookies used by this website, owned and operated by (hereinafter, “we”).

We may update this Cookie Policy according to new legislative or jurisprudential requirements and/or business needs, among others. Therefore, the User is recommended to review this policy regularly.

What Are Cookies and What Are They Used For?

“Cookies” are small files that are installed on the hard disk or in the browser of your computer or mobile device with different purposes, such as adapting the Website’s format according to the device used by you; collecting statistical information about our Website; facilitating your navigation on this Website; and allowing the reproduction and display of multimedia content, among others.

The memorized data recorded by Cookies takes up a small space on a device’s memory and does not harm the device in any way.

When Do We Install Cookies?

Accessing and/or browsing this Website and/or purchasing the services offered therein implies that Cookies can be installed, which may be session or persistent Cookies, and our own or those of third parties.

To install Cookies in your device's browser, we need your express consent, although there are other cookies that are exempt from such consent. The exempt Cookies are:

We have enabled adequate mechanisms to obtain your consent for the installation of Cookies that require it. However, please be informed that, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, (i) it will be understood that your consent has been given if you modify the configuration of the browser by disabling the restrictions that prevent the installation of Cookies and (ii) when the installation of cookies is necessary to provide you with a service offered on our Website that you have expressly requested, your consent will not be necessary.

The use of third-party Cookies is subject to the Cookies and Privacy Policies of these third parties. Therefore, you must consult the websites of said third parties to obtain more information or if you want to change your preferences for setting these Cookies. We will not be held responsible for the content or the veracity of the aforementioned policies of said third parties.

The following types of Cookies can be installed in your browser:

Cookies name Supplier Type Storage Period
AWSALB Amazon AWS Technical 7 days
AWSALBCORS Amazon AWS Technical 7 days
_hjFirstSeen Google Tag Manager Analytical Session
_hjTLDTest Google Tag Manager Analytical Session
_hjid Google Tag Manager Analytical Session
ajs_anonymous_id Google Tag Manager Analytical Session
_uetvid Google Tag Manager Analytical 15 days
_gid Google Tag Manager Analytical 1 day
_ga Google Tag Manager Analytical Session
1P_JAR Google Tag Manager Analytical 30 days
NID Google Tag Manager Analytical 6 months
DV Google Tag Manager Analytical Session
_vwo_uuid_v2 VWO Analytical Session
_vis_opt_s VWO Analytical 10 days
_vis_opt_test_cookie VWO Analytical Session
grav-site Owned Technical 2 hours
_uetsid Bing Analytical 1 day
amplitude_id_ Amplitude Analytical 10 years
utm.source Owned Technical 1 month
utm.medium Owned Technical 1 month
utm.campaign Owned Technical 1 month
modalReminder Owned Technical Session

How Can the User Block or Refuse Cookies?

You can, at any time, revoke the consent given for the installation of this Website’s Cookies, by configuring the settings of the browser of your computer or mobile device. The instructions about how to manage or delete Cookies for the most common browsers can be found at the following links:

Please bear in mind that in the event that you decide to block, disable, or delete Cookies, certain functions of this Website that require the use of Cookies are not available to you.

You can also configure the browser of your computer or mobile device to accept or reject all Cookies by default, or to be notified of the receipt of Cookies and to decide each time whether or not to allow the installation of the same.

Moreover, you can activate the following options in order to limit the scope of the Cookies installed or their operation:

How Can You Reach Us?

If, at any time, you have any questions regarding the use of Cookies on our Website, please do not hesitate to contact us at